K ulturwissenschaftliches Institut für Europaforschung

    Europe is / not

    Europe is
    My homeland.
    A space to be able to realise my dreams
    Many people with same values and the belief in human rights.
    Something we should and can be proud of .
    A country with a flag which I really like!

    Europe is
    A mental construction in order to connect and unify a continent politically, economically, culturally and socially.

    Europe is
    Diversity of cultures.
    A place for many ethnic groups

    Europe is
    A frame in which we are living and working.
    We construct it every day anew .

    Europe is
    An idea of unity based on economic and cultural aspects. It is a dynamic space which is constantly (re)constructed by us.

    Europe is …
    Something in some peoples mind.
    A unique opportunity for mutual learning,
    cooperation and long-term-thinking which is built on inner differences and diversity.

    Europe is not serious, reflexive, self-critical. It is a dream that makes us poetic and open-minded.
    It is a reality of differences.

    Europe shall not be
    A union that is aggressive

    Europe should not be …
    Exclusive, hostile, aggressive, eurocentric, elitary.

    We don't want a Europe of war and intolerance and homogeneity.

    We don't want a Europe of cultural hierarchies, an economic and technocentric union without any sense of common values and visions.

    Europe should not be Hegemonic, politically extreme correct.
    It should not have a centre of power.

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